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Monday Vibes: A Driver Ambush at Bison!

Lots of people have a case of the Monday blahs as winter sets in across Canada. But at Bison we like to have fun -- just because! 

We decided to surprise our Drivers and show our appreciation for their continued efforts day in and day out. At Bison, it means "Driver Ambush" time.I-Heart-Trucking_Shirt-Giveaway

We last had an ambush during National Trucking Week in September. You can see the video HERE. Because it was such fun we decided to do it again and celebrate the Bison family this winter.

What's great about the ambush is that nobody knows when it will happen. The day before, our teams randomly pick a time and decide when the ambush will happen. Then, moments before the predetermined time on the day, they quickly deploy the balloons, streamers and wait for "the next Driver to walk through that door." And then... surprise! They're greeted with applause, a handshake and some great gifts.

Take a look at the fun from across our terminals on Monday.

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