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May 13, 2016

Do Your Fire Safety Skills P.A.S.S.?


Have you ever had to fight a fire? Do you know how to use a fire extinguisher?

This year for NAOSH week (North American Occupational Safety and Health) Bison had a number of activities that were held throughout the week and were designed to engage everyone at all Bison terminals.

Employees got to try their hand at putting out a fire. A great opportunity to learn something that may, one day, save their life! Fire extinguisher training was donated by Bison Fire Protection.

During the training, we used a BullEx digital training simulator which included a laser-guided fire extinguisher and is the same size as a 5 lb. ABC multiple-purpose fire extinguisher. The laser-guided fire extinguisher and the BullEx screen could be set at different levels to achieve different size flames and fire size. The P.A.S.S. method was used to carry out the training.

P – Pull the pin

A – Aim the nozzle at the base of the fire

S – Squeeze the handle

S – Sweep from left to right in a quick sweeping motion

 The trainer, Ryan Fraser, stressed when using a fire extinguisher, always remember:

  1. Use the correct size
  2. Use it correctly on the right type of hazard
  3. If you can’t put out the fire, GET OUT and CALL 911

Thanks Ryan for your demonstration! 

If you would like to learn more about fire safety, please visit Bison Fire Protection.

To read more about the activities that were held at Bison during NAOSH week 2016, click here.

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