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May 18, 2016

You Don't Have To Be A Super Hero To Save Lives: Use An AED!

NAOSH Week (May 1- 7) at Bison was a busy and an educational week for everyone at all our terminals. The NAOSH theme “Make safety a habit” was explored in many ways, including fire safety, sleep deprivation and general first aid, including an automated external defibrillator (AED) demonstration.

John at Find First Aid visited our Winnipeg terminal and set up demonstrations in each department on AEDs. He gave a detailed explanation on what an AED is and how to use them. It is very important for our Company Drivers, Owner Operators and employees to know about AEDs and how simple they are to use as you never know when you will need to use one.  

John AEDWhat is an AED?

An (AED) is a portable device that checks the heart rhythm and can send an electric shock to the heart to try to restore a normal rhythm. AEDs are used to treat sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). SCA is a condition in which the heart suddenly and unexpectedly stops beating.

When your heart stops from Sudden Cardiac Arrest, there may be a short window in which it is able to be "reset".

This initial heart rhythm is known as fibrillation and does not produce circulation. The treatment for this problem is Defibrillation and is available to the general public in an Automated External Defibrillator or AED. These devices are safe and easy to use. In fact, many students in elementary schools around the world are taught how to use them. Once turned on, the AED will talk to you and coach you through the steps of resuscitation and most importantly be able to deliver the life-saving treatment required. Some estimates show that for each minute without defibrillation a victim of sudden cardiac arrest could lose as much as 10% of their chance of survival.

AED machines will only treat those who are in cardiac arrest and not those who do not require it, so please think to use them if the situation ever arises!

Big thanks to John for answering our questions and concerns regarding AEDs.

To read more about the activities that were held at Bison during NAOSH week 2016, click here.

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