May 3, 2021 | by Rob Ruiters, Saskatchewan Manager
Saskatoon Yard – The security walls have recently been re-aligned in Saskatoon, and we plan to have some gravel brought in during May and have grading done. Our annual spring Yard Cleanup is also...
April 12, 2021 | by Laura Olmstead, Senior Business Analyst, Continuous Improvement
The Herd, our employee intranet, is an integral part of Bison employees’ daily tasks from providing pre-plans to Drivers, accessing a training course, booking time off and finding documents, memo and...
April 7, 2021 | by Shelley MacDonald, Director, HR & People Development
We have some exciting news – we’re retiring our current Human Resource Management System (HRMS) and going live with a new HRMS in late April 2021 - welcome to Workday!
March 22, 2021 | by Aryan Bansal, Business Analyst
In February, we started offering a Quick Lube service to our Owner-Operator fleet. We identified an opportunity to deploy our Maintenance Assistants under the guidance of our professional Technicians...
March 2, 2021 | by Chantal Lorenzen, Operations Implementation Specialist
Our new Driver Chat application has been active for a month now, and we owe a huge thank you to so many of our Drivers for jumping on the chat wagon and getting involved! 56% of our Drivers have...
February 3, 2021 | by Chantal Lorenzen, Operations Implementation Specialist
“I can remember way back to when,” Chantal Lorenzen says. “Driver communication was just a notepad, an 800 number, and a phone booth, or a phone at a table in a truck stop.”
January 27, 2021 | by Marci Peloquin, Senior HR Advisor
The Bison Transport Pursuit of Excellence Awards recognize the many outstanding people and their contributions from throughout the year. They are: Darren Cosentino S.T.A.R. Award, Driving Change...
January 11, 2021 | by Erin Sawatsky, HR Manager
Bison Transport is pleased to introduce you to a full service Canadian digital pharmacy, PocketPills. This will be included in all benefit options on a voluntary basis. With PocketPills, you can...
January 5, 2021 | by Rob Penner, President & CEO
January 5, 2021 (Winnipeg, MB) James Richardson & Sons, Limited (JRSL) and Wescan Capital Inc. are pleased to announce that, effective January 1, 2021, JRSL acquired 100 per cent of the issued...