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Executive Chairman's Message

Posted by Don Streuber, Executive Chairman on May 20, 2020 1:46:23 PM

In People, Business

Don Streuber, Executive Chairman

Don Streuber_SquareI am proud to be part of team that is helping our communities. The importance of the role filled by our professional Drivers and the team that supports them has never been more visible and critical. We have all had the recent experience of being told by store employee or family member or friend or co-worker... they are anxiously waiting for the next shipment of _____ you can easily fill in the blank (bonus points if you said something other then toilet paper 😊).

The team at Bison has been asked to step up and work in these challenging conditions often without a simple thank you. Let me say thank you to each of you and your families for all that you’re doing to help support our communities and each other in making sure the shelves stay filled.

We’ve all heard the phrase “take care” but suddenly that has whole new meaning. We need to help look out for each other and support each other. We are suddenly saying and hearing, “I need to head out to the store, do you need me to pick up anything for you?” We are calling, facetiming, texting and emailing people we know and asking with deepest sincerity and concern, “How are you doing?” The answer we hope and pray to hear is “We are gratefully all healthy  and well.” Our focus has likely never been more focused on what is truly important, and we need to continue to take care of each other.

Business continues, but not as usual. We have many working at home, we have our freight network being disrupted by shutdowns at customers. We have seen an increased demand by some of our customers who are busy also as essential suppliers to our communities. We are used to hard work and through our history have persevered through many difficult times. We are equipped to persevere again with a focused leadership team, financial strength and a commitment by everyone at Bison to serve our customers to the very best of our ability. Our communities are depending on us.

Let me say thank you again for all that you’re doing. As well, please pass on a big thank you to your families for their love and support to you during this high stress time. I know it is needed and appreciated. Stay healthy and stay safe and stay informed by visiting The Herd for ongoing updates.

P.S. The next grandbaby is due April 7 by c-section. A little boy. The score will then be 5 boys 4 girls and I can say today I am grateful that they are healthy and well.