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Our Driver Brand Journey

Posted by Tracy Clark, Director, Driver Recruitment and Retention on Oct 7, 2020 1:58:28 PM

In Corporate, Safety, Drivers, Business

At Bison, we are committed to enhancing the Driver experience so that Drivers can continue to be proud of coming to work each day and where other Drivers, new or experienced, have a genuine desire to join our organization. To better understand the Driver experience and what value Bison offers as a place of work to Drivers over the past several months; we have reviewed Driver surveys, facilitated focus groups with Drivers across the network and even conducted research on our key competitors value proposition. We have gained insights on why Drivers chose Bison over competitors; why Drivers choose to stay at Bison and ultimately what motivates them. When we know what our Driver’s value, we can then define our Driver Value Proposition which will help us stand out from the crowd. All this information was instrumental in defining our authentic and unique Driver Value Proposition. You may have already caught a glimpse of the fresh creative concept that was developed from this foundation around our terminals or maybe even online.

At Bison, Drivers are more than just Drivers. They’re heroes in their own right. So, we will be sharing real-life stories of Bison Drivers, showcasing their meaningful work and the positive impact they have on people and communities each and every day. This is this premise of our new “Journey” campaign. Over the coming months we will be running this campaign, profiling our own Drivers and Owner-Operators across various channels.

Check out some of their great stories here: https://info.bisontransport.com/journey
